Some fun things that happened and are going to happen

At the moment I’m feeling quite crap, so I’m using this blogpost to list some fun things that happened the past few weeks, and some fun things that are going to happen in the coming weeks.

Seriously, I really need to blog more on this. Andstuff.

Fun stuff that happened in the past few weeks.


Abunai! 2012 – The Incredible Journey

Ofcourse, Abunai! Duh. Stayed from thursday till monday this time. Was fucking awesome again. Steward again, so much fun :3  I like having to do stuff and being busy. Wow, never thought I’d say that, lol. But it was so much fun! Also because I knew more people then last year [duh]. For me, it was probably the best convention I’ve been to since I’ve started going to conventions [which is 2008]. I just love all those people, and when it was over I had an ‘after-convention-depression’ for over a week. So lonely! Especially when you’ve been surrounded by a lot of people for 4-5 days. I honestly can’t wait till next year’s, even though it has a horror theme and I hate horror.

Fun weekend followed by Holiday
Holiday, Vacation, yay! I hadn’t been on a holiday since my little sister was born [she is 13 now, so go figure]. But first to cynnick [these are two people, I just fused their names together. I’m such a genius], oh god felt so good to be among people again ❤ I also missed their kittehs, ghehe x3 On saturday boyfriend joined. Again, it felt so good to be gone from home and be among normal [okay maybe not really but you get my drift] people. On sunday Fhantalonman joined and more fun, yay 😀
The house we spend our midweek in was lovely<3 First day I cooked, and don’t worry, nobody died ;D Our week consisted of chilling, feeding ducks, went bowling and minigolfing and on wednesday we went to Beekse Bergen, a safaripark. So much fun~!
It felt so good and safe to sleep next to my boyfriend from saturday till friday ❤ [Thus my bed looked even more empty when I came home, fml. But I’ll be seeing him again this weekend <3]

Fun things that are going to happen in the next coming weeks

Firstlook is a Gaming-event in the Utrecht in the first weekend of October, I might not be a big gamer andsuch, but that doesn’t matter. I can still go and have fun, right?! 😀

FACTS convention
Yay FACTS! Been wanting to go for the last 3/4 years owO Soo will be going with my boyfriend ❤ Only on Saturday though, seeing as it is an almost two hour drive [Holy shiet, need to stock up on energy drink to stay awake xD because the long drive means we have to get up early .w.] Still need to figure out what we’re going to wear, or if we’re going casual 😮 [Markje has it easy, he could just go as the 9th doctor :I ]

MAH BIRTHDAY and Aurynween
I will be reaching the age of twenty this year. Holy shiet. GOODBYE MY PRECIOUS TEENAGE YEARS. No but seriously, where has the time gone? Dayum. Just going to celebrate it with family, markje and cynnick the day before.
On my actual birthday, sunday the 28th, I’ll be going to Aurynween! A halloween party, yay 😀 Still need to figure out what I’ll wear .w. But I still have about a month so that’s enough time. Right? Hope so. And it’s pretty far away, but someone who lives not too far away from me goes with car and offered to take me with her, so sweet! ❤



And then in november there’s [maybe] arcom halloween and nishicon.  But that’s november, First I need to survive october!


Love Immi~